Stress-free photos + films
I love talking about equipment and am thrilled to see so many “I think I want to go mirrorless” posts lately. I am currently straddling the Nikon/Fuji worlds, but I have owned, tried, and considered so many other brands I am happy to talk about all of them. The majority of family photographers I have […]
Three months ago Chloe and I hopped on a plane to see Kayla and her crew for 10 days. You can see the first film I created in this blog post. Just keep in mind, the films were created in no particular order but combined include footage from the entire trip. Here are a few […]
On Day 1 I purchased a Fuji X-H1 from Englewood Camera, the new flagship camera aimed at photographers who dabble in photo and video. If you want to see my first impressions of the camera please read this post and this one. I specifically want to FujiFilm Simulations So the X-H1 has this new film simulation, […]
Let me start by saying I have never owned a X-T2. So if you are looking for advice on whether or not you should upgrade to the X-H1 from the X-T2 keep on Googling. In the last 6 years, I have used most of the major brands: Sony, Canon, Nikon, and now Fuji so […]
Okay so you may have seen on Instagram, I bought a Fuji X-H1 on day 1 they were available, but then didn’t get a lens (18mm f/2) until 2 days later. I haven’t had the chance to use it in a client session, or make any personal films in the last week because things have […]
denver, dallas
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