Stress-free photos + films
It’s been a hot minute since I blogged anything, particularly a professional family home video. I will take this opportunity to totally blame COVID for my utter lack of posts around here. Because I was only taking one client per week, it seemed like I never had the breaks in my schedule I usually do […]
Day in the Life Session during a pandemic | Dallas, TX Jan 2021. I refuse to let the pandemic get in the way of offering Day in the Life sessions, so YES I am still doing them with some precautions. First, I hopped in my car and drove to Dallas for this session AND brought […]
What is the best time of day for family photos? I definitely don’t suggest mid-morning sessions to clients because I like waking up early. Until a few years ago I was a night owl and my most productive hours were between 8 pm and 2 am. It was also a miracle if I got out […]
Don’t you wish you had more photos with your grandparents? I can’t tell you how absolutely GIDDY I get when my clients schedule a session to include a visit from the grandparents. This session was originally planned as a 1-year birthday party back in April. COVID prompted a reschedule due to the stay at home […]
Family Photos in a Pandemic. This was session 2 of 3 scheduled for this family. At the end of 2019, I photographed Andrew’s 1st birthday party + a morning at home as a family. He has grown SO much since I last saw him. I love this age as they are better at communicating their needs […]
Dallas Family Photographer. Families that hire me to document their life in Dallas are not considered travel sessions, because I still consider it home. It is one of the few locations I will book Fresh 48 clients outside Colorado. I am from Dallas and the majority of my family (both sides) still live in DFW […]
denver, dallas
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