Stress-free photos + films
Do you follow me on Instagram? I would say the majority of my IG followers are fellow photographers, with a few friends and clients thrown in. Yesterday I posted a few of my favorite images I shot with my new Nikkor 20mm 1.8 s lens and this morphed into an overall conversation about gear. I […]
I love talking about equipment and am thrilled to see so many “I think I want to go mirrorless” posts lately. I am currently straddling the Nikon/Fuji worlds, but I have owned, tried, and considered so many other brands I am happy to talk about all of them. The majority of family photographers I have […]
I have had the Nikon z6 for a little over 3 months now and there are just not enough great things to say about it. Seriously. I just want to sell every other piece of photography equipment in my house right now in order to buy another one. Anyone in the market for a Fuji […]
Are you keeping track? Because if you are then you know this is my second major camera purchase in 2018. Back in March, I started blogging about my Fuji X-H1 purchase. I have been using a Fuji x100 series camera for personal images since 2014 so when Fuji announced a new hybrid camera for those […]
On Day 1 I purchased a Fuji X-H1 from Englewood Camera, the new flagship camera aimed at photographers who dabble in photo and video. If you want to see my first impressions of the camera please read this post and this one. I specifically want to FujiFilm Simulations So the X-H1 has this new film simulation, […]
Let me start by saying I have never owned a X-T2. So if you are looking for advice on whether or not you should upgrade to the X-H1 from the X-T2 keep on Googling. In the last 6 years, I have used most of the major brands: Sony, Canon, Nikon, and now Fuji so […]
denver, dallas
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