Stress-free photos + films
Three months ago Chloe and I hopped on a plane to see Kayla and her crew for 10 days. You can see the first film I created in this blog post. Just keep in mind, the films were created in no particular order but combined include footage from the entire trip. Here are a few […]
Oh Fuji how I love thee. The x100F arrived on my doorstep yesterday and I was so tempted to kiss my FedEx delivery man. I wasted no time getting it out of the box and looking it over before I dove into the setup. Now have I REALLY tested it in less than 24 hours? […]
We have been members of the Children’s Museum for a number of years and last year it got a major facelift. A Teaching Kitchen, expanded Art Studio, climbing structure, and a large outdoor space are the biggest new exhibits and we hadn’t visited any of them until this visit. Older exhibits like Fire Station 01, […]
Why do you love your Fuji x100t Colie? Everyday life is beautiful and worth documenting, embrace the chaos and mundane. This camera has had a huge impact on my everyday shooting. This is the review that tipped me over the edge. I pre-ordered one and tapped my fingers waiting a few weeks for it to ship. […]
denver, dallas
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