This weekend I was lucky to spend time with the Sanchez Family (aka the Jetsetting Family). Unlike my previous Day in the Life sessions I didn’t need my TSA precheck. I simply hopped in my car on Friday morning to drive 2 hours south to Colorado Springs. Another first was meeting the entire family for the first time the day before the session. In the past, these sessions have been with previous participants of my workshops, so I was well-acquainted with mom, the house, and her family; if only through photographs and previous online communications. Now I think there are a few things I should actually write down since I want everyone to have a Day in the Life session!
I am outgoing and friendly. So if you have never met me (online or in-person) just spend a bit of time on my blog and see how I photograph other families and my own. If you think it looks like fun, that’s because it is. I love my job. I love meeting new kids and being their best friend for the day. I am like a member of your family for the day, but I carry around 1 or 2 cameras at all times. If you read my blog and think “that is someone I could have a drink with” then we will get along famously.
So what can we do during THE day? I have had a lot of adventures while documenting a Day in the Life: birthdays, anniversaries, boat rides, trips to the park, Boo at the Zoo, and cutting down the Christmas Tree. I have also had tons of ordinary moments like trips to Target (this one is popular LOL). eating out at your favorite restaurant or ice cream shoppe, playing at the park, playing in the yard, making meals together, doing the dishes, and bath time. Probably my favorite is snuggling in bed so this brings me to my next topic of discussion.
I spend the day before with your family. While I originally did not take my camera out at all, now I photograph it in bits and pieces to get you and your family used to my camera. A few of the moms have said they were so happy I did because I caught moments that didn’t happen on THE day. The purpose of spending this time with your family is to observe how you interact as a family, spot any awesome things I should look for on THE day, and so the kids (and your partner if we are honest) can get to know me. This makes it way less awkward when I hop in your bed the next morning with my camera pointed at you. Don’t be intimidated, I am usually in some PJs too 😉
Do you need to do anything special for me? Nope. I am very low maintenance. I only require coffee, but if you do not have a coffee-maker (how do you SURVIVE???) don’t worry I can just get some cold brew the day before and drink it in the morning. I set an alarm for 30 minutes before you think the kids will be up. I brush my teeth, place my cameras around where I will have easy access but not get them in the shot, and then I wait in the dark like a creeper sipping on my coffee waiting for the family to wake up. Some Day in the Life sessions have started before 6am and a lucky few at 8am. Regardless I am up and ready to keep up with the kids from the moment their eyes open.
So when do I actually come over? This really depends where you live and what flights are available, but I aim for 2pm the day before unless that isn’t feasible. One Day in the Life I didn’t show up until almost 6pm because of a highway closure, but that was okay because it wasn’t my first rodeo with that family! The whole “get to know you” just wasn’t as important as it is for those I have never met. For my next family I am going to make a personalized video and send it over for them to watch before I show up. Isn’t technology amazing?
My house is small and dark I just don’t see this happening. Hey, MINE too! LOL but seriously I have done these in a variety of settings and it all works out. If you have specific concerns just drop me a line, but if I can shoot in my house I can shoot anywhere.
So what happens after? I guarantee your kids will be talking about how much fun they had. A few of my previous tiny clients ask when I am coming back. This session is as much about the togetherness you feel and the experiences you make as it is the final products I deliver. Think about your wedding, you didn’t JUST get married for the pictures right? We don’t do the Day in the Life just for the professional family home video, we do it so that you have wonderful memories that happen to be documented by me!
That’s all I got, but I might update this as I think of more to share. If you have any questions just drop me a line. Maybe the next family I photograph will be you 🙂
denver, dallas
& worldwide