This is the second post with suggestions on what to do during your family photojournalism session. Be sure to check out the original 5 ideas for your family documentary family photosession as well. Remember if you are feeling ambitious consider a full Day in the Life so we can document it all 🙂
Trip to the store
This was high on my list for my own session recently, but we didn’t get a chance. Next time I will have a trip to Target included!
Bedtime routines
This is part of all of my Day in the Life sessions, but with a little planning we could include it in a shorter session as well. The typical bedtime routine may include bathtime, brushing teeth, and a bedtime story. We could even document these activities a little earlier than actual bedtime if we have something else planned that needs to occur earlier in the day.
Dress Up
Costumes are not just awesome to photograph, kids are generally happier when they get to wear what they want to wear. So if your kid enjoys being a superhero or a princess let’s incorporate that into your session!
Amusement Park
If your local amusement park is a place you love to take your kids why not incorporate that into your session? The next time we head to Disney this is high on my list
Arts & Crafts
Do your kids love to create art? Let’s do a crafting hour inside your house, out in the yard, or even at a local art studio.
So if you would like to book the session no one will whine about, let’s chat. Whether we use one of the ideas in this blog post, or something from your own family’s treasure chest, it is sure to be AWESOME!
denver, dallas
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