So day 2 we started off a little later because at 8:30 this was my daughter. These are two new friends she got at Sesame Place the day before. While she wanted nothing to do with Abby at breakfast yesterday she was all about Abby when we got back to the hotel.
Day 1 we had breakfast with Abby Cadabby & Cookie Monster (along with Big Bird and Bert & Ernie) at 8:45 and were contemplating breakfast with Elmo and Friends (Elmo, Zoe, Rosita, …) for Saturday but decided that one of the Dine with Friends was enough. We had McDonalds for breakfast instead.
Because we were coming into the park when it opened we were able to get a family photo from one of the park employees. Again, THANKS!
First things first, PICTURES. I really wanted to get a few while “Sesame Street” was not as crowded. We did get some on Day 1 but I really wasn’t in love with them. I had visions of us sitting on Mr Hooper’s stoop, Chloe in her Zoe shirt, taking a picture in front of Oscar’s Garage. Yeah, Chloe had other plans… my fantasy ended pretty quickly. In fact most of my pictures from Day 2 are iPhone pictures so I won’t be adding those.
Next we spent some time in the pool. I really don’t have any pictures to share because my husband was off riding rides and I didn’t want to take my camera near the pool (go figure!). After we quickly changed and went to see the Let’s be Friends show again. We learned from Day 1, we got there earlier so we could sit in the center.
Then we walked around to try and get lunch. The lines were obnoxiously long, the hot dog stand was out of combos (???) so we snacked on goldfish and grapes and snagged our spot for the parade. Again we learned our lesson from day 1. We were up close on day 1 but in a bad spot in terms of seeing. So we chose a different location for day 2 and spread out a bit. The first collage is pictures from the parade on Day 1. While she was able to step out there and dance on Day 1 on Day 2 she couldn’t unless she was picked and they picked the boy behind us and the girl a few people down from us. I was disappointed. Can’t you just see the pictures of her dancing out there in her Zoe shirt???
Rosita came over and shook her hand. I think she has a major Rosita crush now but she still can’t say her name. So she gets her own collage 🙂
Word of caution: while at the parade watch your belongings. That boy who got chosen to go out there had previously spilled his ice cream on me. What I didn’t realize until the parade was over was that he had also spilled it in my diaper bag covering Chloe’s new Super Grover in it. The nice people at SP replaced it and so I bought her some more furry friends. We ended the day with a little more time in the water and then we headed home. Chloe was asleep before we even left the park.
And when we got back to the hotel she played with all her new friends thanks to her grandparents and auntie!
Would we go back? In a heartbeat. I really wished we lived closer.
A few tips if you decide to go
1) Dine with the Characters- it is really great for the individual interaction
2) Don’t depend on the photos taken by the photographers on their equipment. I was set to buy the USB drive. You even get all the photos from your NEXT visit loaded on there for like $9.95 (?) and I wanted to pay for it to support them having photographers in the first place. I really appreciated that at DisneyLand. However, some were just bad. I honestly preferred the ones my husband had taken (non-photographer) or the ones they took with my camera where I had metered for the environment.
3) bring towels, sunscreen and extra changes of clothes
4) bring snacks even if you intend to eat food there the lines are long and you might die of starvation waiting
5) Start looking for a spot to see the parade early. We went to the parade each day at 3pm because I wanted the best light to take pictures. The night parade is 8:30 and while our plan was to do the night parade initially we knew Chloe was just not going to make it
6) Early in the morning for about 2 hours or late in the evening after 5pm are the best times to go with less crowds.
7) ride the rides EARLY in the day so the lines are shorter
8) plan your day around seeing shows. realize that Elmo’s World live is indoors and typically fills up quicker than the other two which are held outside
9) think you won’t need that stroller, think again. I actually had no intention of bringing one but twisted my ankle the day before our trip and knew carrying her was out of the question. We would have been EXHAUSTED carrying her and our stuff all day
10) the app is useless for finding characters for pictures. The Disney app is kept up to date with times while the Sesame Place app shows where the characters take pictures but always shows them as “there”. We never got a picture with Zoe and we looked several times.
If your kids love Sesame Street I really hope you get a chance to visit.
denver, dallas
& worldwide