Dearest Chloe-
Ever since we traveled to Texas last month to meet your baby cousin you have talked about babies non-stop. It doesn’t help that I mostly photograph babies so when I have edited my last two hospital sessions you have stood by me and pointed to the screen exclaiming “you took pictures of a baby mommy”.
Then I picked you up from camp one day and you were holding one of the preschool baby dolls in a car seat telling me it was your baby and we were taking her home. So I asked you if you would like to go get a baby of your own. It isn’t like I haven’t tried, I have taken you to the baby aisle of Target many times and you have never been interested. Not even a little bit. Well, today was the day.
You picked out your new baby and a car seat for her, safety first 😉
Now the baby is with you every waking moment, while you sleep too. Poor George, I don’t even know where he is anymore. He has definitely been replaced by the baby.
So, what is the baby’s name? Baby. You simply refuse to give that poor baby a name. She seems to need a clean diaper, a pacifier, and a swaddling blanket; name not required.
You are still asking about your baby cousin. “We go see baby cousin next week mommy”? Well, not next week. Soon baby girl, soon.
Please continue around the circle starting with my dear friend Jessie Wixon – New York City Lifestyle Photographer. I can’t wait to read what she wrote to her two adorable daughters!
denver, dallas
& worldwide